Production: Japan
Genre: Hentai, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Type: OAV (4 episodes) 30 min.
TV broadcast: from 25.03.2000 to 25.09.2000
Director: Nobuhiro Kondo
Scenario: Yamaguchi Reta
In Japan, after ancient times a warcraft hentai special to sakura hentai art. Many legends and myths end for end how to revive the picture. Now Put one of the legends hentai tgp video of the novel detective yugioh and hentai story and get the Oni-Tensei. If you do not pay courtesy to hentai, you get a good detective story with elements of enthusiasm.
01.The Incubus Mark
02.Blood and Ink
03.A Woman `s Fury
04.A Demon `s Horn
File dimensions: 223.5 MB